E-Theses service

The E-Theses service assists PhD and MPhil researchers to deposit their theses to the LJMU E-Theses Collection.

This is an electronic archive of research degree theses that have been accepted by Liverpool John Moores University. Whilst the majority of theses in the collection are available on an open access basis, some are under embargo.

The E-Theses service provides guidance on the preparation and deposit of your thesis to the LJMU E-Theses collection.

The University’s Research Degree Regulations require that on successful completion of a research degree award, all candidates must lodge an electronic copy of the final, approved version of their thesis in the LJMU E-Theses Collection.  Research degree certificates will not be released until this has been done.

Please see the Policy for the Presentation of Research Theses for guidance on the layout and presentation requirements of your thesis for submission.

For guidance on file name and versions for deposit please see the E-Theses Deposit Guide (PDF, 414KB).

Contact the E-Theses service

If you have any queries please contact the LJMU E-Theses Service.

Copyright and your thesis

Follow the Copyright and your thesis tutorial to guide you through the issues you need to be aware of when compiling and submitting your thesis. Also see the guidance below.

Faq Items

Restricting access to your thesis

There may be a valid reason why you need to restrict access to your thesis. This is often referred to as an embargo on publication. If you wish to request an embargo, you must complete the “Embargo Request” section on the E-Thesis Access Declaration and Deposit Agreement form (accessible via eDoc). If you do not have access, contact PGRExaminations@ljmu.ac.uk.

The maximum length of an embargo normally will be 12 months. Requests for embargoes must be accompanied by a rationale as to why it is required. Such requests will normally be endorsed by the Doctoral Academy if the Lead Supervisor has agreed the request. Embargo periods of longer than 12 months and requests for permanent suppression will require approval from the relevant Faculty Research Degrees Committee. Relevant evidence is required for all embargoes requested.   

You may need to restrict access for one of the following reasons:

Faq Items

Depositing your thesis

Before depositing your thesis please ensure you have read the copyright and your thesis guidance particularly if your thesis contains third party materials.

If you have been awarded a PhD by Published Work, you should deposit a copy of the document as submitted for examination which includes the full text of your publications. You should also deposit a version that does not include the full text of your publications but includes an Appendix containing a list of references for your published works including DOIs or URLs pointing to those works.

There are two steps to depositing your thesis in LJMU E-Thesis Collection: