You can copy from one reading list to another reading list and we recommend you copy section by section, as this will carry over any notes or tags you may have added to your references.
To copy a section, select the 3 dots at the side of Section title then select Copy section. In the Copy into list select the reading list code you want to copy it to and select Copy.
Repeat this for all the sections you want to copy. You will need to go into the reading list where you copied the sections to and remove the “Copy to.." from the section headings.
Watch this short video on Copying an entire list or section.
For further advice contact your Librarian via HelpMe.
Links and files
Reading List User Guide (PDF, 2.1MB) opens a new window
Library Services has a “digital first” policy so where possible, we will purchase an eBook in the first instance and print copies dependent on the tag.
Essential texts: we will purchase more than one print copy in accordance with student numbers.
Recommended texts: we will purchase at least one print copy.
For further advice contact your Librarian via HelpMe.
Links and files
Reading List Guide (PDF, 2.1MB) opens a new window
Books and eBooks must have an Essential or Recommended tag attached to the record which will determine the number of copies Library Services will purchase.
Essential texts: we will purchase more than one copy in accordance with student numbers.
Recommended texts we will purchase at least one copy.
For further advice contact your Librarian via HelpMe.
Links and files
Reading List Guide (PDF, 2.1MB) opens a new window
To comply with Copyright Law, you should link to webpages, reports, and other online materials.
To add a webpage to your reading list, select the Manual entry option under the Add button. There are 2 mandatory fields indicated by a red asterisk (*) : Title and Type.
Work your way through the form adding the URL or web address into the URL field, add any notes on the final screen and select Add to save details. Alternatively, you can use the Cite It! option.
Watch this short video on How to add a webpage to a reading list.
For further advice contact your Librarian via HelpMe.
Links and files
Reading List Guide (PDF, 2.1MB) opens a new window