TASS – Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme

Dual Career Accredited by TASSTASS - Supported by National Lottery and Sport England

Liverpool John Moores University has been a longstanding Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) delivery site for over 15 years, dedicated to supporting athletes throughout their dual academic and sporting career.

TASS is recognised globally as a leader in ‘dual career’ and has worked with and advised bodies as diverse as the IOC, EU and many government and sporting organisations.

Liverpool John Moores University is leading the way with supporting talented athletes in education in England, having been accredited by an innovative Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) initiative.

By formally recognising an institution’s commitment to supporting student-athletes, the TASS Dual Career Accreditation Scheme aims to allow athletes to reach their potential in education alongside achieving success in their sport.

As a Dual Career Accredited Site, Liverpool John Moores University will be an important extension of the network of universities that already partner with TASS, delivering core support services to more than 600 student-athletes each year.

TASS athletes can access the following support services (dependent on TASS Award):

  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Physiotherapy
  • Nutrition
  • Performance Lifestyle
  • Psychology
  • Private medical scheme

While some of the existing services delivered focus solely on developing the young person’s sporting performance, a dual career support structure and academic flexibility policies are central to the help available to athletes based at an Accredited Site.

All Dual Career Accredited Sites receive training and a toolkit of resources to equip them with practical dual career support and bring together all parties who work with the athlete.

For student-athletes, the academic flexibility policies may mean they have the opportunity to access online notes or resources, are able to arrange catch up sessions with teaching staff, or even reschedule deadlines or exam dates in exceptional circumstances.

TASS National Director, Guy Taylor, said: “We’re delighted to be awarding TASS Dual Career Accreditation to colleges and universities across England.”

“Dual career support is at the forefront of what TASS does and that’s why the Accreditation Scheme is so important for us in recognising those institutions who place precedence on their athletes’ education too.”

“We hope that the academic flexibility policies put into place for the Accreditation will begin to develop an effective and lasting dual career structure within each institution.”

“Congratulations to the successful institutions and we look forward to working alongside many more outstanding colleges and universities in the near future.”

For more information about TASS and how to access their support, please visit the TASS website or contact info@tass.gov.uk.

Meet the Team

Dave McDermott
Head of Elite Sport and Athlete Management


Richard Armstrong
Lead Strength and Conditioning Coach for LJMU and TASS


Alice Stratford
Dual Career Co-Ordinator for LJMU / Head of Performance Sport Psychology and Lifestyle Co-ordinator for TASS and LJMU

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