Free legal advice

Our clinics provide free legal advice to individuals and businesses, either verbally or in writing after an interview with you. Sometimes students lead interviews. Other times they “shadow” a solicitor giving advice (just as student doctors or nurses shadow their qualified colleagues in hospitals). Whatever form of clinic you choose, our students are always supervised and supported by qualified solicitors and your privacy (opens in a new tab) is always respected. We operate from specially-dedicated, confidential premises separate from the rest of the University. Please choose building Hardman House (Legal Advice Centre) from our mapping tool to view our location.

Areas we can advise with

  • Family: issues around divorce, separation, contact with children
  • Civil litigation/small claims: disputes over contract breaches, money owed to you, professional negligence
  • Wills and administration: what to do if someone dies with or without a will, disagreements about property someone has left after their death
  • Community Economic Development: we can advise small businesses, start ups, social enterprises and entrepreneurs on matters concerning contracts, commercial issues, employment, commercial property or disputes.

If your problem looks like one of these get in touch with us.

If none of these look like your problem or you are not sure, no problem! If we can’t help, we might know someone else who can – drop us a line to

Advice for student or staff members at LJMU

Please note
Anyone in our LJMU community is welcome to ask us for help, in total confidence. However, if you are in dispute with a person(s) who is/are a staff member or student of our University, or with LJMU as an institution (for example an employment/disciplinary issue), we will not be able to give you advice since this would give rise to a conflict of interest. 

Students should be aware that the Student Advice and Wellbeing team might also be able to offer you support if a problem you are dealing with is causing you stress or anxiety. Find out more about student advice and wellbeing.