Placement Learning Support Unit useful links

Please see below for a list of useful websites that can help support you with your placement journey.

Canvas (opens in a new tab)

Our team uses Canvas to upload information related to work placements, lectures and workshops. You should also use Canvas to access the pre-placement paperwork forms and to view advertised placements.

Student Advice and Wellbeing Services

We offer a range of support services that can be targeted towards your particular circumstances including Student Funding and Money Advice, Student Engagement Team, Mental Wellbeing, Disability Advice and various other services.

Prospects (opens in a new tab)

Prospects offers advice and guidance job roles, internship opportunities, careers advice and information on work placements.

RateMyPlacement (opens in a new tab) is the UK's leading job resource for undergraduates seeking placements and internships.

GOV.UK – Foreign Travel Advice (opens in a new tab)

If you are embarking on an overseas placement, this website gives you up to date foreign travel advice. You can also subscribe for email alerts.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Team

LJMU Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team work proactively within the University community to embed equality and diversity practices. The team provide both planned and bespoke equality and diversity advice and is responsible for the robust infrastructure of diversity networks which exist across the University and ongoing liaison with Liverpool John Moores Student Union (JMSU). The team also organise a series of events, workshops and conferences for raising awareness of equality and diversity to ensure that a culture that embraces diversity is embedded throughout the University.

JMSU (Student Union)

The student union is here to support you, if and when you need it.