MArch Architecture | Part-time

Entry year:
Start date:
Study mode:
Course duration:
4 years
Mount Pleasant

About this course

This MArch from LJMU invites you to creatively engage in a truly interdisciplinary and project-orientated architectural study.

This programme of study is thoughtfully balanced to address the creative and technical demands of the architectural profession.

In the 2017 RIBA revalidation, the MArch programme was commended by the visiting assessors for "...the Architecture programme's focus on urban design projects across a range of scales, evident in the work of the MArch students."

Taught principally through a studio environment that is underpinned and informed by lectures and workshops, the over-arching ambition of the programme is to create graduates with artistic flair, who are technically skilled and grounded in the demands of the professional role of an architect.

The learning and teaching environment is progressively informed by research in pedagogy in the creative field. While teaching the curriculum, the programme also develops less tangible skills in students, such as communication, presentation and self-motivation. A key ambition is to create independent thinkers, adept at resolving problems with creativity and originality.

Visit this year's degree show website and browse MArch student work

Course modules

Discover the building blocks of your programme

Further guidance on modules

Modules are designated core or optional in accordance with professional body requirements, as applicable, and LJMU’s Academic Framework Regulations. Whilst you are required to study core modules, optional modules provide you with an element of choice. Their availability may vary and will be subject to meeting minimum student numbers.

Where changes to modules are necessary these will be communicated as appropriate.

Core modules

Theory and Research 1: theoretical studies and research methods
30 credits

This module will explore critical methods in Architectural and Urban Design and the connections of Art and Architecture. You will have the opportunity to define a research question and develop an understanding of different research methods appropriate for your subsequent specialist study.

Urban Design 1: Creative urbanism and regeneration within an analytical and theoretical context
30 credits

The module commences with a series of urban design lectures that manifest in a design theory essay. Concurrently, analytical studies and creative tasks lead into the group urban design project, proposing the regeneration of an urban area, which is underpinned by a theoretical position derived from the design theory exercise. An individual urban design study follows on, such that the whole module effectively delivers an entire urban design process of research, analysis, theoretical positioning, design at different scales, and communication.

Integrated Design 1: options for resilient living
30 credits

The module commences with analytical explorations of precedent studies in response to the focus of the design brief typologies, expected to underpin your design work. Following from this, design work from urban scale (emerging from your Urban Design 1 work) to building and interiors will lead to a complete proposal presented following competition methodology. A set of technical and environmental studies follow, so that the entire module effectively delivers a holistic study, from typological analysis, to critical considerations, design at different scales, and communication.

Practice and Legislation: Understanding the designer's role in the contemporary built environment
30 credits

An exciting opportunity to reflect upon contemporary, ethical design practice and also to be directly involved in 'live' architectural projects within the North West region. You will be working, in groups, with real clients on a variety of projects identified by them with a member of staff as a mentor. You will act as a 'mini practice' and resolve and advise your respective clients on professional issues.

Theory and Research 2: thesis studies - critical writing and design research
30 credits

This module provides the opportunity for you to produce a substantial piece of written work based upon extensive research of your chosen subject area as defined in 7111MAS. It is the chance for you to develop ideas and explore in detail an area of the subject of Architecture which lies beyond the immediacy of the design process.

Urban Design 2: thesis urban strategy
30 credits

In this module you will develop ideas suggested in 7211MAR and expand them into a comprehensive Urban Design strategy for a transect of the city. Your Urban Designs will go onto to provide the context for your thesis research and eventual project design drawing together the various strands of Architecture into a wider thesis year.

Integrated Design 2: Thesis architectural design - ideas through building
60 credits

For the 60 credit part-time Integrated Design module, you will develop a Thesis defining your own agendas and exploring ideas through the medium of building designs.

Your Learning Experience

An insight into teaching on your course

Study hours

The MArch involves intense teaching and project work. with a full Monday - Friday teaching timetable.

Your academic timetable varies according to the semester, the module you are undertaking, and whether you are studying on a full-time or part-time basis. Sample timetables are available from the Faculty Admissions Hub

Teaching methods

The first year introduces contemporary urban design theories and international best practice. Locating project work in Merseyside or abroad, you are encouraged to engage with cultural organisations, regional stakeholders and statutory authorities to produce creative, socio-economically engaged architectural proposals.

You then follow strands of enquiry around dwelling in the city and undertake a year-long specialist study as the basis for your research proposal.

The final year of the MArch offers opportunities for more in-depth explorations, emanating from group urban studies. Ambitions for comprehensive building design projects develop from an analysis of and intuitive response to place.

Applied learning

As well as providing a framework of expertise for your studies and being located in a UNESCO recognised city of cultural significance, LJMU also offers a number of overseas workshops that enable you to undertake design work in new territories and contexts. Recent workshops have taken place in PortoMarseilleAmsterdamRotterdamEssen and Duisburg.

We also have Erasmus staff and student mobility agreements with FH Joanneum University of Applied Science in Graz, Austria and Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem, Pecs, Hungary. We regularly host symposia and conferences, for example: Starchitecture on the Mersey? a civic symposium and Housing - A Critical Perspective.

The first year of the course introduces contemporary urban design theories and international best practice. Locating project work in Merseyside or abroad, you are encouraged to engage with cultural organisations, regional stakeholders and statutory authorities to produce creative, socio-economically engaged architectural proposals.

You then follow strands of enquiry around dwelling in the city and undertake a year long specialist study as the basis for your research proposal.

The final year of the MArch offers opportunities for more in-depth explorations, emanating from group urban studies. Ambitions for comprehensive building design projects develop from an analysis of and intuitive response to place.

Take a tour of this year's Degree Show

Each year, MArch graduating students show their final assessed work to prospective employers, peers, friends and family. Take the virtual tour

How learning is monitored on your programme

To cater for the wide-ranging content of our courses and the varied learning preferences of our students, we offer a range of assessment methods on each programme.

This is a project-oriented course. You will develop design ideas in the studio, guided by semester tutors and, at regular intervals, by joint review panels of design tutors and external critics who will comment on your progress.

Teaching is intensive and you will learn via one-to-one and group discussions plus regular presentations of work, so that continuous group and self-assessment is built into your course.

The environmental, structural and constructional aspects of your design projects will be assessed in technical workshops.

You will also need to submit: written, drawn and modelled coursework submissions, a written and illustrated dissertation, written and illustrated essays and reports plus reflective statements.

Where you will study

What you can expect from your School

The programme is based in the RIBA award-winning Liverpool School of Art and Designs John Lennon Art and Design Building, a purpose-built facility in the Mount Pleasant Campus, which brings together the varied disciplines studied at the School.

Course tutors

Career paths

Further your career prospects

LJMU has an excellent employability record with 96% (HESA 2018) of our postgraduates in work or further study six months after graduation. Our applied learning techniques and strong industry connections ensure our students are fully prepared for the workplace on graduation and understand how to apply their knowledge in a real world context.

Postgraduates from this programme are highly sought after by employers.

On graduation you will gain exemption from ARB/ RIBA Part 2 examinations. This qualification is essential if you want to become a registered architect and gain Chartered status. Once you have passed the ARB/RIBA Part 3 exams, you can practice in any EU or commonwealth country and many other countries outside the EU.

Many of our graduates secure employment at world-class practices throughout the UK and further afield. Some have remained in the city of Liverpool, contributing to its evolution by taking key roles in leading practices that have reshaped the city over the last decade.

If, after graduating, you choose not to go down the route of becoming a registered Architect, many other careers are open to you. Past graduates have pursued successful careers as Project Managers, Property Developers, Building Contractors, Furniture Designers, Lighting Designers, Architectural Visualisation Artists and Journalists.

"Being based in the John Lennon Building, not only do you have the use of good modern facilities, but you also get to mix with students from different courses who can influence your work."

Dionne Barrett, graduate and Architectural Assistant at AT Architects

Dion Barrett, BA Architecture and MArch Graduate

Studying at the LJMU School of Art and Design allowed me to be exposed to other disciplines such as Fashion, Art, Graphic Design and Illustration, that really shaped the way I thought about Architecture within the wider context of design. The common denominator was how success often came down do how well we communicate our ideas, and having your influences come from a broad spectrum really strengthens that ability. This honed skill is essentially me helping other architects to communicate their ideas and value.

Read Dion's interview

Tuition fees and funding

Home part-time per year:


The fees quoted above cover registration, tuition, supervision, assessment and examinations as well as library membership and student IT support with access to printed, multimedia and digital resources including programme-appropriate software and on campus wifi.

Financial Support

There are many ways to fund postgraduate study for home and international students. From loans to International Scholarships and subject-specific funding, you’ll find all of the information you need on our specialist postgraduate funding pages. The University offers a range of financial support for students. You'll find all the information you need on our specialist financial support pages including details of the Student Support Fund and other activities to support with the cost of living.

Additional Costs

In addition to fees, students should also keep in mind the cost of:

  • Accommodation
  • Travel costs and field trips unless paid for by LJMU
  • Stationery, IT equipment, professional body membership and graduation gown hire

All full and part-time students enrolled on postgraduate taught programmes at LJMU are liable to pay an annual tuition fee. You can opt to pay your tuition fees in full at the start of each academic year or pay by instalments. If you need advice about how you will pay your tuition fees, please email LJMU's Student Funding Team as soon as possible.

To qualify for student funding for your MArch you need to have studied the BA (Hons) Architecture or RIBA Part 1 (at LJMU or elsewhere in the UK) and normally go on to study the RIBA Part 2 with no more than two years between the two courses. Students that take longer than this between Part 1 and Part 2 should seek advice from the LJMU Student Funding Team before starting the MArch as Student Finance will consider applications from those with longer gaps on a case-by-case basis.

If you are planning to commence an MArch course without first completing the BA (Hons) Architecture (RIBA Part 1), you may not be eligible for full funding for the MArch so should seek advice from the LJMU Student Funding Team before you commence your studies.

The MArch is not normally eligible for a Postgraduate Loan.

Entry requirements

You will need:

Qualification requirements

Undergraduate degree

  • a minimum 2:2 honours degree in Architecture

Additional requirements

  • Interview required

    • to attend an interview

Further information

  • Extra Requirements
    • Assessment of suitability to the course may also be undertaken by review of a portfolio of work and an interview
    • Students with first degrees without RIBA/ARB Part 1 exemption should be aware that the MArch awards exemption from RIBA / ARB Part 2 only. If you wish to register as an Architect in this country or become an RIBA Chartered architect you will have to acquire RIBA / ARB Part 1 separately
  • RPL

    • RPL is accepted on this programme

International requirements


  • IELTS 6.5 (minimum 5.5 in each component)

How to apply

Securing your place at LJMU

To apply for this programme, you are required to complete an LJMU online application form. You will need to provide details of previous qualifications and a personal statement outlining why you wish to study this programme.

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The University reserves the right to withdraw or make alterations to a course and facilities if necessary; this may be because such changes are deemed to be beneficial to students, are minor in nature and unlikely to impact negatively upon students or become necessary due to circumstances beyond the control of the University. Where this does happen, the University operates a policy of consultation, advice and support to all enrolled students affected by the proposed change to their course or module.

Further information on the terms and conditions of any offer made, our admissions policy and the complaints and appeals process.