Sustainable travel

We have developed a plan aimed at supporting our community to undertake active and/or sustainable travel for at least part of their journey to or from LJMU.

The LJMU Active and Sustainable Travel Plan is a reflection of our key role in the Liverpool City Region of advocating for and supporting the delivery of a healthier and more sustainable travel infrastructure.

The plan has been created in consultation with our students and staff and will bring real positive individual and shared benefits.

We are committed to:

  • Providing staff and students with easy access to different transport modes that are active and/or sustainable.
  • Removing the barriers to staff and students wishing to participate in active travel.
  • Providing high quality facilities including showers, lockers, changing and drying areas available in all buildings.
  • Strengthening responsibility and accountability for effective active and sustainable travel support in the management structure.
  • Advocating for our staff and students by engaging with local partners to ensure that Liverpool City Council sees us as a significant partner in the development of local cycling and walking infrastructure plans.

Find out more about our Active and Sustainable Travel Plan.

Plan Your Journey

Plan your journey ahead of time using the CityMapper app, this will show you different active and public transport options, the time each would take, and the cost associated with each option.

Cycling in Liverpool

Whether cycling to and from campus as part of your commute or just for enjoyment at weekends, we want to make cycling easier for you. We have a cycle to work scheme for staff which can be accessed through Vivup, and there are a number of cycle parking and shower facilities on campus which you can find using our interactive map.

We regularly hold Dr Bike sessions to help give your bike a quick check-up, and in the upcoming year have a busy schedule of Dr Bike sessions, Bike Maintenance classes, Learn to Ride classes and Led Rides. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming sessions on the weekly newsletter and LJMU social media.

Public Transport

Taking public transport to commute to and from campus can be a great alternative to driving for longer journeys. We provide annual season ticket travel loans for staff through Vivup to help save money and spread the cost throughout the year.

Emissions From Travel

Scope 3 emissions for LJMU account for 90.1% of our total carbon emissions, with 26.8% of our total carbon emissions associated with travel. This includes daily commutes, business and field trip travel, and student travel at the start and end of term.

We conducted our Travel Survey in spring 2024 for staff and students to find out more about how our community travels to and from LJMU which helps us to calculate our scope 3 carbon emissions. Our travel survey also sought to understand barriers to active and sustainable travel methods, which we’ll be using to update our Active and Sustainable Travel Plan over the next academic year.

In the long-term we want to better understand how we can reduce scope 3 emissions associated with our travel activities, prioritising more sustainable travel methods where practical to do so, with offsetting as a last resort.

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