Governance, Policy and Targets

Environmental responsibility and sustainable development

Our overarching sustainability and environmental objectives are described in the Environmental Management, Energy Management and Sustainability Policy Statement (PDF, 150KB) and associated Strategy (PDF, 286KB). These are supported by area specific policies and targets. Our strategy and targets are currently under review and will be published by the end of 2024.


The Environmental Management and Sustainability Panel advises the Executive Leadership Team, Vice-Chancellor, and the Board of Governors on environmental compliance, performance and sustainable development matters. Membership includes John Moores Students Union (JMSU) – see the Environmental Management and Sustainability Panel Terms of Reference (PDF, 138KB).

The Climate Action Plan Steering Group advises senior leadership on the climate change agenda and the measures necessary to deliver our Climate Action Plan which is in response to the Climate Emergency Declaration, which we declared on 7 February 2020. Membership includes representation across the five themes of leadership and governance, teaching, research and knowledge, community engagement, and campus management.

Our Environmental Social and Governance statement (PDF, 149KB) ensures that our Values are embedded within our sustainable and ethical business practices.

Key Documents

We make available our documents and guidance, and we also publish annually our Environment and Sustainability Report (PDF, 686KB).

As part of our joined up procedures, we have financial management policies including an Ethical Investment Policy and Financial Statements that address sustainability, climate change and ethical responsibilities.

Funding and Resources

We fund our sustainability and climate change activities in two main ways:

  • Staff, routine work and infrastructure projects via standard service and faculty budgets.
  • Due to the scale of investment required to achieve our ambitious net zero carbon goals, we are currently looking to spend £2 -£3 million per year for the next 10 years, subject to the wider financial position of the university. This investment will be targeted on decarbonisation of the campus heating systems and on site generation of electricity.

Key sustainability staff

Professor Mark Power, as the Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of our university, is ultimately accountable for the delivery of the environmental management, sustainability and climate change arrangements.

The Board of Governors have nominated a Governor Climate Champion (GCC) - Mike Parker – to have oversight responsibility for providing assurance to the Board that we are meeting all of our sustainability and climate change commitments.

Faq Items

Our main target and goals

We are currently updating our Environmental Management and Sustainability Strategy for 2024 – 2029, therefore some targets are currently under review. Our current targets are listed below.

Faq Items

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