Library Services team

Interim Director: Mark Wynne

"The Library is the heart of the University's information services..."

The library’s collections, dedicated study spaces and experienced team of staff, form a vital part of the student learning experience and ensure students and researchers receive the right support they need throughout their time at LJMU. We hold the Customer Service Excellence quality mark demonstrating our commitment to putting students and staff at the heart of everything we do.

We have a comprehensive collection of resources for study and research available in the library and online, supported by a team of expert librarians and dedicated subject specialists who are available for advice. We also have a team of tutors who can support your academic achievement. They offer advice on studying at university and help you with academic writing, particularly if your first language isn’t English. They can help you with maths and stats too.

Each of the three libraries provides a range of extensive study spaces, so whether you want space to concentrate, collaborate, or get creative, you should find what you need. Help is available on-site seven days a week and overnight through our online chat service.

The library provides a wide range of digital information tools and resources and access to the digital publications needed by all our students, researchers and staff. In addition, we have walk-in access to some of our electronic collections available to all members of the public. We support our users in getting the most out of our digital content, whether they are consumers or creators, with advice, training, and a high-quality digital experience when using our applications. Our digital engagement team can also help you connect to the university’s computer facilities and show you how to make the most of the Digital Studio in the Student Life Building.

The library manages Special Collections of original archive material and makes them available to anybody who wants to consult them. Post-war popular culture, particularly relating to Liverpool, is strongly represented. Our archives include playwright Willy Russell, McCartney biographer Barry Miles, Jon Savage’s punk archive, and the Everyman Theatre. We also hold a growing collection of Periodicals of the Victorian Era, including the Strand and Punch magazines.

We are the custodian of the collected outputs of all the university’s researchers, including articles, data and doctoral theses. In addition, the library provides training, support and systems for researchers to enable them to achieve their full potential and create a global impact.

For further information, please visit the library microsite.

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