Safety, Health and Environment team

Associate Director: John Gillin

The university aims to provide an environment supporting individual and collective achievement, underpinned by the requirement to maintain a healthy and safe working environment. Our Health and Safety Strategy is focused on continuous improvement of the work and study environment, positively affecting the health, safety and wellbeing of staff, students and others affected by the university’s activities.

The primary aim of our Fire Risk Management Strategy is fire prevention across our premises. We have comprehensive emergency arrangements and fire safety systems to provide for the safety of everyone in our buildings. As well as the life safety element, this has the potential to impact the student experience fundamentally.

Our Environmental Management and Sustainability Strategy describes how we will respect the environment while carrying out our teaching, research and core processes. We will do this by operating our university in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way and by integrating education for environmental management and sustainability in both academic and research programmes.

We aim for the integration of health, safety and environmental responsibility into all aspects of the university’s activities, enabling agile, documented responses to any existing or emerging risks.

For further information please visit our Safety, Health and Environment webpages or email us on

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