Request service

If you can't find what you are looking for using Library Discover, be it a book, chapter, or article, we can help you to try to obtain it through our Request Service options.

Inter-Library Loans (ILL)

If you need an item that is not available in any of our libraries or online, we may be able to borrow or get it for you through our regional and national document supply network.

LJMU academic staff, researchers, postgraduates, and undergraduates can use this service, as long as the item requested is related to their area of study or research.

We are not able to offer ILLs to students or staff from our Partner Colleges. You should contact your own institution's library service to see if they can obtain materials for you. Alternatively your local public library may be able to help.

To request an ILL please complete the Inter-Library Loan Request form.

For more information about LJMU's inter-library loan service see the highlighted FAQs below or see all ILL FAQs. For any queries please email the Request Service team.

Inter library loans FAQs

Suggest a title for purchase

Academic staff should use our Reading List service to ensure texts essential for teaching and learning are purchased and available to support their taught modules.

Staff and students may use the Library's Purchase Request form to suggest further titles that support their study and research, add to the Leisure Reading Collection, or help diversify the Library's collections.

Requests for new subscribed resources should in the first instance be discussed with your subject Academic Engagement Librarian.

For more information about LJMU's Purchase Request Service see the highlighted FAQs below or see all Purchase Request FAQs. For any queries please email the Request Service team.

Purchase requests FAQs

Digital Scanning Service

Academic staff may request articles and chapters, not already available electronically, be digitised and made available to students via Canvas or reading lists to support teaching and learning.

To make a scanning request, please complete the Digital Scanning Request form.

For more information about the service and the Copyright Licensing Agency Higher Education Licence see the highlighted FAQs below or see all Digital Scanning Service FAQs. For any queries please email the Request Service team.

Digital Scanning Service FAQs