The Relations between Deprivation, Achievement, Academic Self-Concept, School Wellbeing, Academic Buoyancy and Emotional Regulation in Secondary School Students (Bodfield, Putwain, O’Sullivan, Bosanquet, Sommerville and Madden)
Learning by Questions: The Impact on Maths Achievement and Attitudes in Year 5 (Putwain and Wood)
Inspiring the next generation of scientists: The role of personal and teacher influences (Putwain and Mallaburn)
Are healthy emotion regulation skills the key to managing exam anxiety in adolescents? (Putwain, Pekrun, and Daumiller)
Lecturers’ Perceptions of Trauma-Informed Practice in Higher Education (Bodfield and Culshaw)
The impact of epistemic beliefs and emotions on student teachers’ views about educational research (Peiser)
Dyslexia and Wobbly Wellbeing: exploring connections between dyslexia, literacy challenges and wellbeing (Ross, Wood, Malone)
Supporting pre-service teachers in developing young children’s emotion regulation skills (Hadfield)
Beaumont, J., Putwain, D. W., Gallard, D., Malone, E., Marsh, H. W., & Pekrun, R. (2023). Students’ emotion regulation and school-related well-being: Longitudinal models juxtaposing between- and within-person perspectives. Journal of Educational Psychology, 115(7), 932–950.
Bodfield, K. S., Carey, P., Putwain, D. W., & Rowley, A. (2023). A thematic analysis of self-reported teacher perceptions and management of atypical student behaviours and their relation to the student self-concept. Pastoral Care in Education, 1-21.
Fenouillet, F., Nelson, V., Lorant, S., Masson, J., & Putwain, D.W. (2023). French study of Multidimensional Test Anxiety Scale in relation to performance, age and gender. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 41(7), 828–834.
Held, T., & Hascher, T. (2023). Stability and change of secondary school students' motivation profiles in mathematics: Effects of a student intervention. Journal of School Psychology, 100, 101240.
Malone E., Saini, P., & Poole, H. (2024). How trainee teachers’ intersectionality exacerbates issues of wellbeing. Education 3-13, 52(2), 264-278.
Putwain, D.W., & Wood, P. (2023). Riding the bumps in mathematics learning: Relations between academic buoyancy, engagement, and achievement. Learning and Instruction, 83, 101691.
Putwain, D.W., Gallard, D.G., Beaumont, J. (2023). Adaptability vs. Buoyancy: Which Offers the Greater Protection Against Test Anxiety and Could Relations be Reciprocal? Learning and Individual Differences, 101, 102247.
Robson, D.A., Johnstone, S.J., Putwain, D.W., & Howard, S. (2023). Test anxiety in primary school children: A 20 year systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of School Psychology, 98, 39-60.
Putwain, D.W., Nicholson, L.J., & Kutuk. G. (2023). Warning Students of the Consequences of Examination Failure: An Effective Strategy for Promoting Student Engagement? Journal of Educational Psychology, 115(1), 36–54.
Putwain, D.W., Symes, W., Marsh-Henry, Z., Marsh, H.W. & Pekrun, R. (2023). COVID-19 meets Control-Value Theory: Emotional reactions to cancelled high-stakes examinations. Learning and Individual Differences, 105, 102319.
Dr Tanja Held
Tanja's research examines how inter-individual and contextual factors influence academic emotions and motivation, and how motivation can be promoted.
Tahrim Hussain
Tahrim’s research aim is to investigate how achievement and achievement-related emotions, motivation and behaviour of adolescent students differ in appraisals of high-stake test situations in challenging or threatening states.
Aaisha Patel
Aaisha is studying for a doctorate exploring the impact of ethnicity and socioeconomic status on motivation, achievement and aspirations in science through the lens of Expectancy Value theory.
Dr Rory McDonald
Rory’s current work examines the dynamics of inequity within STEM subject areas, STEM/STEAM Integration, and the design and evaluation of curriculum-mapped outreach and widening participation interventions.