Teacher Education and Development Research Group (TED)

Research interests

  • initial teacher education (in various age phases and sectors)
  • teacher education as a partnership and collaborative knowledge exchange
  • teacher educators (in universities, colleges, schools or other providers of teacher education)
  • induction and mentoring
  • early professional development
  • continuing professional development
  • curriculum and pedagogies of initial teacher education

Research group aims

This group brings together academic researchers, practitioner researchers (including EdD students), schools and the voluntary sector to promote inter-organisational collaboration, knowledge creation and exchange. It focuses on the continuum of teacher education – initial teacher education, induction, early professional development continuing professional development, accomplished teaching/advanced certification across early years, school, further education and higher education settings.

It promotes research on and for teacher education and development, including the work, identities and agency of teachers and teacher educators.

The TED group aligns itself with Goal 4 of the United Nations’ Goals for Sustainable Development, i.e. to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. In so doing, it also aims to also work with stakeholders in the Liverpool City Region to maintain quality of education and improve outcomes at all stages of lifelong learning.

This group is co-ordinated by Dr Gillian Peiser and Ailsa Fidler.

Faq Items