Frequently asked careers questions
About the service, making appointments and booking workshops
What services does the Team offer?
We run the Future Focus programme, deliver careers and employability webinars and workshops, one-to-one advice and guidance appointments with Careers and Employability Advisers in our Careers Zones, manage the LJMU-funded internship programme, deliver careers and employability sessions within faculties and within careers modules, and organise employer presentations and recruitment fairs.
Where are the Careers Zones located?
LJMU has two Careers Zones to allow students to access Careers provision close to where they study. The Careers Zones are staffed by the LJMU Careers, Employability and Start-Up Team.
The Careers Zones are located at the Student Life Building and Byrom Street. Careers Zones are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Who can use the Careers, Employability and Start-Up Team services?
Access to our facilities and all services, information, advice and guidance, workshops and our vacancy website is available free of charge to LJMU students and graduates for life.
I graduated from another university, can I use the LJMU Student Futures Team?
High demand means that Student Futures’ services (including 1-2-1 careers meetings and events) are reserved for LJMU’s students and recent graduates. Graduates from other universities are recommended to seek support from the careers or student support service of the university they studied at.
How do I make an appointment?
To book an appointment with a Careers and Employability Adviser, call in to one of our Careers Zones, in the James Parsons Building at Byrom Street or the Student Life Building. Alternatively, phone 0151 231 3719 or 0151 231 2048, or email the Student Futures Team.
Appointments can also be booked online on the Student Futures booking website.
Can I have a practice or mock interview?
Yes, you can book a practice or mock interview by phoning our Careers Zone on 0151 231 3719 or 0151 231 2048, or emailing the Student Futures team.
Please note
You are required to book these types of appointment in advance, please allow a minimum of three days.
Who is the Careers and Employability Consultant for my faculty?
Each faculty has a designated Careers and Employability Consultant, they are as follows:
- Faculty of Business and Law: Linda Graham
- Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies (HSS, Education, SJS): Hayley Fallon
- Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies (LSS, LSA): Tom Strodtbeck
- Faculty of Health: Keren Coney
- Faculty of Science: Laura Aldridge
- Faculty of Engineering and Technology: Andy Byrne
How do I book a place to attend a careers workshop or employer presentation?
To book a place on one of our events, please use our booking system
Can I speak to someone about changing or leaving my course?
Yes, you need to book an appointment to see a Careers and Employability Adviser so that they can help you think about your options and the issues that you need to consider when you are making your decision. To book an appointment, call in to one of our Careers Zones (in the James Parsons Building at Byrom Street or the Student Life Building). Alternatively, phone 0151 231 2048/3719 or email studentfutures@ljmu.ac.uk. It is also advisable to talk to your personal tutor before you make your final decision and to Student Advice (0151 904 6056/6057) to understand any funding issues that may arise.
Can I get feedback on my CV/covering letter/application form/personal statement?
Yes, you need to see a Careers and Employability Adviser for a 30-minute appointment where you will receive feedback and suggestions for improvement. To book an appointment with an Adviser, call in to one of our Careers Zones (in the James Parsons Building at Byrom Street or the Student Life Building). Alternatively, phone 0151 231 2048/3719 or email studentfutures@ljmu.ac.uk.
Can I get feedback on my personal statement for postgraduate study?
Yes, you need to see a Careers and Employability Adviser for a 30-minute appointment where you will receive feedback and suggestions for improvement. To book an appointment with an Employability Adviser, call in to one of our Careers Zones (in the James Parsons Building at Byrom Street or the Student Life Building). Alternatively, phone 0151 2312048/3719 or email studentfutures@ljmu.ac.uk.
Do you offer telephone appointments with a Careers Adviser?
We understand that it is not always easy to come in for an appointment, so we are able to offer your Careers and Employability Adviser appointment by phone or Microsoft Teams.
Please note:
It is easier to talk through your queries face-to-face. For example, we may recommend particular websites that are quite difficult to follow over the phone.
Careers workshops, webinars, events and employer talks
What workshops, webinars, events and talks do you offer?
We run a variety of workshops and webinars (online classes). For a list of workshops and webinars that will prepare you for the world of work, please visit our Booking website.
How do I book a place to attend a careers workshop or employer presentation?
We have our own online Booking website, where you can view details of all forthcoming events and book yourself a place.
Who delivers the careers workshops and webinars?
We have an experienced and specialised team of Trainers and Careers and Employability Consultants who deliver our workshops and webinars, ensuring that they are engaging and interactive.
Where are the careers workshops delivered?
Workshops are delivered in the Careers Zones, in school buildings or as online webinars. Employer events and talks often take place within the faculties and online. Please check the venue when you register to attend an event. Venue details and online meeting links will be sent to you in your booking confirmation email.
Potential scenarios
I have a last minute interview tomorrow and need some assistance in preparing for it. Are you able to help with this?
Of course. Firstly you could read our mini-guide on Preparing for Interviews. Dependent on the type of interview you have we also have other guides which cover course related interviews - download the guide (PDF, 634 KB).
By registering for Careers Zone 24/7, this offers an Interview360 which gives you an opportunity to practice answering competency based questions.
Dependent on the level of notice you get from employers, we do also offer Interview Practice Sessions which you can book by visiting your nearest Career Zone, emailing studentfutures@ljmu.ac.uk, or calling us on 0151 231 2048/3719.
I have a few jobs I’m looking to apply for but haven’t worked on my CV. Would someone be able to look over this?
Yes. We have a few options for you.
If you need to start your CV from scratch you can use our CV Builder, which can help you create a template to work from. Once you have a first draft, put your CV through CV360 which will help optimise your CV, scoring it against 50 checks using AI and giving you instant, detailed feedback.
You can then book in to see one of our Careers and Employability advisers who can give you a 30-minute appointment where you will receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
In the meantime, you also have a look at our mini-guide on CV’s and Covering Letters, this can assist you further, prior to your appointment.
I’m struggling to figure out what option to take with my degree. Is there a Careers Adviser I would be able to discuss this with?
Of course. You can book an appointment to speak with a Careers and Employability Adviser who will be able to discuss the range of options you have available with your degree.
In the meantime we do have a range of career and employability guides which can give you an example of the typical job options students within your faculty tend to take. For something more specific to your course we have further career insight infographics which can be found in our start-up webpages. It will be useful for you read this prior to your appointment so any research that you find you will be able to discuss in more detail at your appointment.
Would you be able to help me with a Master’s application?
Yes, we'd be happy to help. Please book an appointment with a Careers and Employability Adviser who will be able to give your feedback and suggestions for your personal statement.
Prior to your appointment it might also be useful for you to read Applying for Masters Courses.
I need to find a placement, what should I do?
To begin with you can see if your school has a Placement Officer appointed. If so, they should have a list of previous employers who have taken students on for placements and also a list of placement opportunities.
You can also have a look on our job board in Careers Zone 24/7 to see if any placements have been advertised.
Alternatively you could also book an appointment with your Careers and Employability Adviser who can discuss the range of options with you.
I have an assessment day coming up, which I have never done before. The employer has sent an email saying I will be conducting psychometric tests on the day. How do I approach this?
We have a few options which will help you.
Firstly have you read our mini-guide on psychometric tests?
You can also practice psychometric/aptitude tests in Careers Zone 24/7.
If you need any further assistance we can book you in for an appointment to go over any interview technique, presentation skills or even book you in for an interview practice session.
We frequently run careers workshops on assessment centres. Please see our events' website.
I want to apply for a postgraduate course, but worried about funding. What should I do?
You can access more information about funding via our website or the Prospects website also has useful information on postgraduate funding.
If you need to discuss post-grad options and what course to take you can always book an appointment with a Careers and Employability Adviser to discuss this in more detail.
Where can I look to find a part-time job?
There are a number of ways you can look for a part-time and temporary jobs. Sign up for 'Unitemps at LJMU', our own on-campus recruitment agency. Unitemps at LJMU is based at the Student Life Building and offers a range of opportunities both on campus within University teams/departments, and also off campus, with a variety of external businesses.
You can also read over our part-time job mini-guide and try our online job board where a range of employers advertise casual, part-time jobs.
How do I find any volunteering options which will be transferable to my degree?
Dependent on the route you’re looking to take with your degree, you may find it useful to book an appointment with a Careers and Employability Adviser who will be able to discuss the best possible routes to achieve this.
We do also have a mini-guide which can help you find local charities you would be able to approach.
How do I take part in the Future Focus employability programme?
For any queries relating to the Future Focus programme, please refer to our employability programme page or email futurefocus@ljmu.ac.uk.
Work with employers
What contacts do you have with employers?
Our Employer Engagement team works to build relations with employers in order for them to deliver talks and events, and participate in careers fairs and recruitment events. The team also post job and placement vacancies on our job board, which is available via Careers Zone 24/7.
Can you put me in contact with employers for a job?
Any jobs that we receive go onto our jobs board which is available via Careers Zone 24/7. Log into Careers Zone 24/7 using your LJMU username and password.
Work experience and getting jobs
I would like some relevant experience, where do I start?
Our job board, available via Careers Zone 24/7 has a variety of jobs listed, including work experience. The most valuable work experience is experience which will enhance your CV. So, think carefully about how you want to spend your time, and how to go about getting relevant work experience. You can make speculative applications to companies or organisations that you would like to work for. Also, voluntary work, for example, do-it.org, is a good place to start and build up relevant experience.
I need to find a placement, what should I do?
See if your school has a Placement Officer appointed, and find out from this person if they have a list of placements or if they have a list of employers who have previously taken students on for a placement. You can look on the jobs board in Careers Zone 24/7 to see if any placements have been advertised. Another option is to look on individual company websites to see if they have advertised any placements. Finally, you can take the initiative yourself and send out speculative letters to organisations that you would like to work for in the future.
Postgraduate and further study
I want to apply for a postgraduate course, what should I be thinking about?
You need to have a career plan / goal in mind to ensure that the reasons for undertaking further study fit in with your longer term career aspirations. It is too easy to fall into undertaking further study without having a clear idea of what career you wish to go into. You also need to think about how you are going to fund your course. The Prospects website has useful information on postgraduate funding You can also pick up a copy of the funding guide from a Careers Zone.
I am applying for a postgraduate course, is there anyone to help me with a statement?
Yes, you can book to see a Careers and Employability Adviser who will look over your statement and give you some feedback on how to improve the statement. To book an appointment, call in to one of our Careers Zones (in the James Parsons Building at Byrom Street or the Student Life Building). Alternatively, phone 0151 231 2048/3719 or email studentfutures@ljmu.ac.uk.
I would like to do a PhD, where can I look, or how should I start this process?
If you are interested in doing a PhD then you need to be academically capable and highly motivated to complete a lengthy piece of research.
Be realistic – have you got the right degree classification? If you haven’t, then no matter how much you want to do a PhD, more likely than not you will be outdone by candidates who have a better degree. Have you got a research project in mind, or will you be looking to apply for a studentship where the outline of a project has already been designed for you? If you have a research project in mind which is already supported by a potential PhD supervisor, then you would probably be applying for a studentship with one of the research councils in order to undertake your chosen project.
This is a very competitive process, so you will need to have a supportive supervisor and a proposal that will stand up to rigorous investigation at the application process. It is also helpful to understand your reasons for wanting to do a PhD and what your career options are after the PhD. Do you need a PhD to get into the career of your choice? Undertaking a PhD is both rewarding and exhausting, and you need to be fully committed before you decide to follow this route. PhD research studentships are advertised in www.jobs.ac.uk, The Guardian (the education section on Tuesday), The Times Higher Education Supplement, and www.findaphd.com. You may also feel that you need to complete a master's degree before embarking on a PhD, and this is a common route to take. An extra year of study with a substantial dissertation at the end will only serve to clarify if this is the route for you.
International Students
Where can I get information on work visas?
The Prospects website has information on work visas for international students Student Advice has an international welfare adviser who may have information on this issue.
General careers information
What are the options with my subject?
To learn what options you have with your subject, visit the Prospects website and choose your course of study for suggested roles that you could go into
Where can I find careers-related information?
You can be signposted to relevant careers information at our Careers Zones; this includes LJMU's Career and Employability Guide, Prospects publications, RealWorld magazines, and any literature that we may be sent from employers. A great deal of information is available online. The Prospects website will have all the information on their site that is available in hardcopy form. Similarly, Target Jobs also have their magazines online.
Careers information for the Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
What are the options with my subject?
To learn what options you have with your subject, visit the Prospects website and choose your course of study for suggested roles that you could go into
Careers information for the School of Law
I am looking for relevant work experience, what should I do, and how can I find it?
- There are a number of organisations that offer Pro Bono work e.g. Law Centres and the Citizens Advice Bureau - this can be a great way of developing your legal experience and can significantly improve your chances of obtaining paid legal employment.
- You could make speculative applications with a CV/covering letter to law firms using the ‘find a solicitor’ facility on the Law Society website find a solicitor.
- You may want to consider a placement or a vacation scheme in a business/commercial environment. This would be advantageous if you are interested in commercial law, as many commercial firms offering training contracts state that commercial/business awareness and experience gives candidates a significant advantage when applying to them.
- Many law firms offer vacation schemes/internships. Check relevant legal websites and publications such as the Training Contract and Pupillage Handbook (copies are available at the law school office), Target Law etc. Also www.lawcareers.net have a useful list of closing dates for vacation schemes on their website and AllAboutLaw (opens in a new tab) lists job opportunities, vacation schemes, training providers and much more.
- Approach agencies who deal with legal work (a list of relevant recruitment agencies is available on request). Work may be clerical initially; however, as your experience develops this can lead onto paralegal work (also a great networking opportunity).
I want to apply for a training contract, what should I be doing now?
You need to understand the entry requirements and recruitment process. As a rule the larger firms tend to ask for high UCAS points and a 2.1 minimum, while the small and medium sized firms are usually more flexible regarding degree classification and UCAS points. The size of the firm affects how they recruit - larger firms recruit 2 years ahead while smaller / medium sized firms recruit as and when they need someone (they will often recruit LPC students and recent LPC graduates, and it is also not unusual for such firms to recruit you as a paralegal first before offering you a training contract). There are also many other firms / organisations, outside of private legal practice, who offer training contracts e.g. Law Centres, Government Legal Service, local government and companies/other organisations that have their own in-house legal departments-the following are examples of North West companies/organisations that were authorised to take trainees (as at 8/8/11); Co-operative Financial Services Limited, Four Seasons Healthcare, Littlewoods Limited, Merseytravel, National Youth Advocacy Service, Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers and the University of Manchester. As you can see there are a lot of potential options. The link Careers Adviser for Law (Linda Graham) has produced a guide called ‘where to look for training contracts’ which outlines in far more detail the options available to you – you can request this by contacting the Careers Team.
What should I include in a personal statement for an LPC application?
The key is to follow the guidance notes relevant to the personal statement stage/section. That said it is recommended that you cover the following:-
- Your reasons/motivations for wanting to become a solicitor.
- Relevant skills/qualities/work experience-work experience doesn’t have to be legal to be relevant, for example, if you have had work experience that is commercial/business in nature then this would be highly relevant if you wanted to work for a commercial law firm OR if you had experience of working with disadvantaged groups in a social/welfare context this would be relevant to the work of a practice/organisation that deals mainly with social welfare law.
- What area(s) of law would you like to specialise in? What type of firm/organisation would you like to work for? Where do you see yourself in say 5 years time?
I want to do an LPC what should I be doing next
Choosing the right LPC course/provider can be a very difficult (and sometimes confusing) process. The following information/guidance may help-
- All LPC courses are inspected/validated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) so they all provide a good standard of legal vocational education
- Course price is no indicator of quality/employment prospects
- When choosing an LPC you will need to take into account a number of factors such as; price, electives (they do differ), facilities, links with the legal community
What other career options have I got with a law degree?
Becoming a solicitor or barrister is not the only available career path following an LLB. There are many other options available to you with a law degree which might be worth considering. Around two thirds of graduate vacancies are open to graduates of any discipline and some of these opportunities relate very well to the skills/knowledge that you have developed during your LLB. For example trading standards officer, HR manager, trademark attorney, social work, police officer, probation officer-and much more!
For further advice/information please contact the link Careers Adviser for Law Linda Graham.
Careers information for the Faculty of Education, Health and Community
What are the options with my subject?
To learn what options you have with your subject, visit the Prospects website and choose your course of study for suggested roles that you could go into
Careers information for the Faculty of Science
What are the options with my subject?
To learn what options you have with your subject, visit the Prospects website and choose your course of study for suggested roles that you could go into
I am interested in finding out more about graduate entry to the Army/RAF/Marines/Navy
You should visit the Armed Forces Careers Office in Liverpool, in the first instance. This can be found at North John Street, Liverpool, LS 4SA (or telephone 0151 236 1866). You can also book in to see a Careers Adviser but it is a good idea for you use the specialist service at the Armed Forces Careers Office.
I would like to know more about applying to graduate entry dentistry and medicine courses
You can attend the workshop about this which runs during the academic year (keep an eye on the LJMU events website and your LJMU e-mails). However, if you prefer not to wait for the next workshop then please book an appointment with a Careers and Employability Adviser. You also need to be aware that you may have to sit the additional entrance tests which some Medical Schools require (the BMAT, GAMAT or UKCAT tests) the summer before you apply to medicine courses via UCAS. The deadline for applications to medicine courses via UCAS is the 15th October.
You can find a list of graduate courses in medicine and dentistry by doing a course search on the UCAS website. It is also very important to check the academic entry requirements carefully for each of the universities who offer the four-year course in medicine or dentistry. This is because entry requirements can vary considerably between different universities. Therefore it is best to check this out by visiting each university’s website or by checking with admissions staff directly.
How do I find more about IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Theories) Courses?
Firstly please consult the IAPT website for general information about how the IAPT profession and the kind of job opportunities available.
LJMU runs a post-graduate certificate in IAPT and the Programme Leader is Karen Rea so you can contact her directly. Further details of IAPT courses at other universities can be found on the BABCP website
Jobs with the IAPT field tend to be advertised under the title of ‘Wellbeing Practitioner’ on the NHS Jobs website. Some of these jobs may require experience or qualifications as outlined on the job specifications.
If you wish to discuss your query in more depth, you can make an appointment with a Careers and Employability Adviser. Also regularly check the booking website (opens in a new tab) for events for psychology students as there may be related events available for example about working in clinical psychology.
How do I find out about the NHS Scientist Training Programme (STP)?
Information about the NHS Scientist Training Programme and how to apply for it is on the NHS Careers Website.
You need to keep an eye on this website for details of when and where the STP vacancies will be advertised. In 2011-12, students had to apply for STP vacancies in February of their final year. It is possible for you to ring NHS Careers on 0345 60 60655 and to register your interest in the STP programme.
If you are applying to the STP vacancies you should be aware that there are a very high number of applicants per vacancy; therefore it is important to look at other options as well. You can book an appointment with a Careers and Employability Adviser to discuss other options for getting laboratory experience.
How do I find out about Masters courses in occupational therapy or physiotherapy?
Please refer to the appropriate professional association websites where you can find details of recognised Masters courses listed, i.e.
Careers information for the School of the Built Environment
How do I find out who the main recruiters are for graduates from my course?
There are many ways to source who the main recruiters are from your course. When you are in your first and second year you can be exploring the graduate vacancies to see who typically recruits graduates and also who offers placement opportunities. Work experience is extremely important as it can give you an insight into a role you may be undertaking in the future and can demonstrate to an employer how motivated you are and what skills you possess. Work experience can also provide a great opportunity to network with professionals and seek out information about possible future job roles. Employers will regularly visit the university to deliver information sessions either as part of your course or in a session arranged by the Careers Team. Other sources of vacancies include:
- FET Careers Fair(which usually takes place in October each year)
- The BUE web page. Staff from BUE will advertise both placement and graduate positions on the site
- LJMU’s jobs board, which is available via Careers Zone 24/7 (opens in a new tab)
- Prospects website
- Target Jobs
- Gradcracker
- Individual company websites
Students and graduates can also book an appointment with the Careers and Employability Adviser to discuss who the main employers are, how they recruit students and graduates and also examples of employers who have recruited previous graduates from your course.
When are the closing dates for applications for graduate roles?
The graduate recruitment process will commence from the start of the new academic term in September. Not all employers will open their scheme for applications at this time so it is important to register on their website for updates if possible so you can find out as soon as they are ready to receive applications. The earliest deadline dates are within Real Estate organisations who typically have closing dates from November onwards. Most closing dates will be between November and February but as construction is project based employers may have vacancies arising at any time after this as well.
I've heard of the APC, what is it?
All of the degree courses within the School of the Built Environment are accredited by the relevant professional body. The Assessment of Professional Competence is the route that graduates from surveying courses take to become a Chartered Surveyor within the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). An employer will usually support you through this process over a minimum of 24 months and in many cases will expect you to undertake it. The objective is to ensure you are competent to practise and consists of a period of structured training and a final assessment interview. Other Professional Bodies are listed below and have similar professional accreditation schemes:
Careers information for the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
What types of vacancies are available to me when I graduate?
There are a large range of opportunities available for IT graduates from a wide range of employers. These organisations can basically be broken down into two groups: IT companies such as IBM, HP etc. and companies who use IT. This last group can mean any company with more than a handful of staff who will have some sort of IT function and may need hardware, software, network or web support. As a result companies from a wide range of sectors recruit IT graduates from large supermarkets to schools and universities to engineering and construction companies. The larger employers will offer graduate training schemes which usually involve a period of training and development of between 12 months and two years. The key is to research positions early and to explore placement opportunities in your second year. Closing dates for graduate roles can be as early as December in your final year.
How do I find out information about typical employers?
There are many ways to source who the main recruiters are from your course. When you are in your first and second year you can be exploring the graduate vacancies to find out who typically recruits graduates and also who offers placement opportunities. Work experience is extremely important as it can give you an insight into a role you may be undertaking in the future and can demonstrate to an employer how motivated you are and what skills you possess. Work experience can also provide a great opportunity to network with professionals and seek out information about possible future job roles. Employers will regularly visit the university to deliver information sessions either as part of your course or in a session arranged by the Student Futures Team. Other sources of vacancies include:
- LJMU’s job board, which is available via Careers Zone 24/7 (opens in a new tab)
- FET Careers Fair (which usually takes place in October every day)
- Prospects website
- Target Jobs
- Individual company websites
Students and graduates can also book an appointment with the Careers and Employability Adviser to discuss who the main employers are, how they recruit students and graduates and also examples of employers who have recruited previous graduates from your course.
Careers information for the School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime Operations
What types of engineering opportunities are available to me once I have graduated?
There are a large range of opportunities for engineering students in a range of sectors. The key is to research both the type of role you would like to undertake in addition to the type of sector you would like to work in such as automotive, oil and gas, marine, design, manufacturing etc. In recent years it has been reported that there is a shortage of Engineers in the UK and your degree will also provide you with the opportunity to seek employment around the world. The larger employers will offer graduate training schemes which usually involve a period of training and development of at least 18 months and can be 3 or 4 years. It is important to research what employers are looking for from applicants at an early stage as a small number do require a Masters level qualification in order to apply for the graduate scheme.
You can find out about graduate jobs within engineering by exploring some of the links below. Students and graduates can also book an appointment with a Careers and Employability Adviser to discuss who the main employers are, how they recruit students and graduates and also examples of employers who have recruited previous graduates from your course.
- LJMU’s job board, which is available via Careers Zone 24/7 (opens in a new tab)
- Faculty of Engineering & Technology Recruitment Fair (which takes place in October)
- Gradcracker (Engineering placements and graduate vacancies)
- Prospects website
- Target Jobs
- Individual company websites
I am interested in becoming a Chartered Engineer, what do I have to do to achieve this?
The first stage to become a Chartered Engineer is to complete a degree course which is accredited by one of the relevant professional bodies listed below. All of the Mechanical, Marine and Electrical degree courses within the School of Engineering are accredited by one of the following:
- The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
- The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST)
- The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
The academic qualifications required to become a Chartered Engineer are an accredited MEng degree or a BEng plus further learning to Masters level either via an MSc or equivalent. There will also be an element of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and graduates will be expected to monitor and reflect upon their development in relation to a number of specific competencies. Specific information can be found on the relevant websites above.
LJMU Alumni
How much does it cost to join the Alumni Association?
There is no charge to join the LJMU Connect/Alumni Association. Please register here (opens in a new tab).
I cannot remember my username and/or password for the members' area of the website, what should I do?
Please email the Alumni Relations Team via alumni@ljmu.ac.uk and advise your full name, date of birth, subject of study and year of graduation. If you have registered the Alumni Relations Team will advise you of your username and password.
I never received my certificate and would like a copy
Please contact the LJMU Awards Office by sending an email to awards@ljmu.ac.uk. Please stipulate your full name, date of birth, subject of study and year of graduation
How do I get a replacement copy of my transcript/certificate?
Post-1992 Alumni of Liverpool John Moores University can request a replacement copy of their certificate through the LJMU Online Shop.
Pre-1992 Alumni of Liverpool Polytechnic can request a replacement copy of their certificate through the Open University Validation Services Department.
Can I get a copy of my dissertation?
There is no guarantee that copies of dissertations can be provided. To make this request please email alumni@ljmu.ac.uk with your full name, subject of study, year of graduation and advise the name of your dissertation supervisor was. The Alumni Relations Team will forward your email to the appropriate academic.
Can Alumni access the Library facilities?
Alumni are able to access the Library facilities. You must show proof of ID and sign in to enter any Library. If the ID does not contain an embedded photographic image of the holder, two forms of corroborating ID are required.
Do Alumni have borrowing rights?
LJMU Library Services may provide limited borrowing rights to individuals for education or research purposes to members of the LJMU Alumni Association upon payment of an annual fee of £50 (plus VAT).
Do Alumni have access to electronic resources in the Libraries?
Unfortunately this service is currently not available.
Can I still access my LJMU email account?
LJMU Student email accounts expire 90 days after your completion date. Please note your completion date is the date of your final examination and not your date of graduation date. If you are unsure please check with the appropriate Library Student Zone.
What does the LJMU Alumni Association do for LJMU Alumni?
LJMU Connect/Alumni Association is a network of approximately 11000 ex-students of the University. The Association is about re-connecting with your past but more importantly it’s about looking to the future and working in partnership with us for the benefit of our students and the wider community.
The Alumni Association is also about providing Alumni with a service and helping you as a graduate. We offer a range of benefits to our Alumni, from networking opportunities to discounts and career advice.
Register for free to access;
- Exclusive professional networking events
- Quarterly e-newsletters
- Lifetime careers support (from the Careers Team)
- Emerald business e-journals
- Priority tickets to the Roscoe Lectures series
- Discounts and vouchers at high street retailers
I would like to get back in touch with other ex-students - can you help?
The Alumni Relations Team are happy to help with enquiries of this nature, however, the GDPR Act 2018 prevents LJMU from forwarding any personal information to third parties. Members of the LJMU Alumni Association can search for fellow Alumni that are happy to be contacted via a secure system in the members' area.
Alternatively, email the Alumni Relations Team via alumni@ljmu.ac.uk with the details of the person you would like to make contact with, their subject of study and year of graduation and we can try to contact the ex-student on your behalf.
Please note
There is no guarantee that we can successfully make contact with Alumni.
I would like to organise a reunion - can you help?
Yes. The Alumni Relations Team can and do help with reunions. Email alumni@ljmu.ac.uk with the plans for your reunion and who you would like to invite. The Alumni Relations Team will advise how we can help with your plans.
I am interested in further study, what more can you tell me?
LJMU has an extensive range of taught programmes and research opportunities. Please visit the Postgraduate Home Page of the website to download the postgraduate guide, find out about postgraduate events and how to apply for a postgraduate course
I'd like to give something back and share my experiences with students, how can I do this?
We would be delighted if you could help current students by giving your time to support our students.
You can help prepare the next generation for your industry and develop the employability skills of LJMU students through the following;
- Offer placements/internships
- Offer on-site visits
- Attend careers fairs/events
- Provide case studies for students
- Become a guest speaker
- Offer work shadowing for staff and students
- Help to develop and review LJMU degrees
Visit our Employer Website (opens in a new tab) or contact the Employer Engagement Team at employerengagement@ljmu.ac.uk for further details.
I'd like a copy of my graduation picture/handshake/DVD?
To request a copy of your graduation picture or DVD please visit the Graduation pages (opens in a new tab) of the LJMU website.
Can you tell me my old lecturers email address as I need a reference?
Yes, please advise the name of the lecturer that you would like to make contact with and advise your full name, subject of study, year of graduation and the nature of your enquiry to alumni@ljmu.ac.uk. The Alumni Relations Team will forward your email on.