General health advice and support

Register with a doctor as soon as you arrive in Liverpool

Registering with a GP will allow you to see a doctor as soon as possible if you become ill and will make access to secondary health services, such as mental health support, much easier.

By registering with a practice you will have access to a local GP 24 hours a day, seven days a week just by ringing your usual practice number.

Your GP should be your first point of contact for medical care for illnesses that you can’t treat yourself or with the help of a pharmacist, so don’t forget to save your GP's number in your phone.

To find a local GP telephone Healthwatch on 0300 77 77 007 or visit the NHS Choices website. If you are not from Liverpool you can still see your own doctor when you go home.

See our health and wellbeing section for useful health resources and information, including sexual health.