7th IAHR/WMO/IAHS International stream gauging course

Saturday 31 August to Monday 2 September 2024, Liverpool UK

Organized by the IAHR RiverFlow2024 conference.

Download the full course programme (Excel, 13.7KB)


Saturday 31 August, Room 206, Student Life Building (SLB)

Sunday 1 September, Field trip, pick up point opposite of 46 Russell St, Liverpool L3 5LJ. You can find the location here.

Monday 2 September, Room 303, Student Life Building (SLB)


jerome.lecoz@inrae.fr and alexandre.hauet@edf.fr


£100 for course participant without full registration to the conference; £75 for 3rd day only participant, £50 for students and participant registered to the conference. Please register here: River flow 2024 - 7th IAHR/WMO/IAHS International stream gauging course

Since 2011, the international IAHR/WMO/IAHS training course on stream gauging has been organized in six countries around the world by recognized hydrometry experts. The three-day course consists of lectures covering topics including field operations (gauging station, discharge measurements), data management (rating curves, uncertainty estimation, data review) and field exercises. The course is designed for students, academics and professional hydrologists who want to gain a clear picture of both classic and innovative hydrometry technologies, and get involved in the international community of hydrometry experts.

The short course is offered over three days (31 August to 2 September):

  • Day 1 - Lectures on hydrometric field measurements (gauging station, stream gauging, measurement quality and uncertainty).
  • Day 2 - Hands-on exercises in the field and/or in the classroom (discharge measurements using conventional and innovating techniques, e.g. radar and image velocimetry, low-tech/low-cost instrumentation, etcetera).
  • Day 3 - Discharge computation and hydrometric data management: rating curves, hydrographs, data QA/QC, uncertainty analysis and publication.

International speakers include:

  • Alexandre Hauet (EDF and Grenoble Alpes University, France)
  • Marian Muste (IIHR, Iowa University, USA)
  • Dongsu Kim (Dankook University, Seoul, Korea)
  • Jérôme Le Coz (INRAE, France)

The National Hydrometry Team (Olly Baldwyn, UK Environment Agency) will support the course: presentation of the national hydrological service, field operations and instrumentation.

Institutional and commercial sponsorship of the course is welcome: please contact us!

Banner credit: Mersey Gateway Project