Teaching and Learning Awards

LJMU rewards and recognises academic excellence via the Teaching and Learning Excellence Awards.

Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Awards Framework 2024-25

The Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Awards Framework celebrates excellence in teaching and the support of learning across LJMU.

All Awards are cognisant of the Advance HE Professional Standards Framework (PSF). Nominees will be supported in developing a portfolio of evidence towards either Senior or Principal Fellowship of Advance HE, if appropriate. Nominees may also be eligible for entry into LJMU’s National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) or Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) coaching programme.

Award Categories

There are seven categories for the Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Awards.

Each category has criteria relevant to its theme. An overarching criterion for all categories is a clear commitment to inclusive practice and evidence informed decision-making. It is also expected that evidence will demonstrate alignment of activity with the institutional Learning and Teaching Plan, as well as a strong commitment to engaging with the LJMU community.

Please note:
References to student should be taken to also include those on degree apprentice programmes.

Eligibility for each category as well as the criteria to be met are included in the descriptions below.

Faq Items

Nominations process

Each Faculty can put forward a maximum of three nominations per VC award category.

For the Digital Education, Enhancing the Learning Experience and Equity and Inclusion in Education categories, a Professional Services Panel will determine a maximum of three nominees to put forward per category.

The University Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Awards Panel, meeting in early November, will make a single award in each category. Commendations can also be made in each University award category.

See the Teaching Excellence Awards Framework (Word, 90.4KB) to find out more information including the nominations process and deadlines for submission.