Teaching and Learning Awards 2021 winners
Our Teaching and Learning Excellence Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of LJMU staff who support teaching and learning, as well as the broader student experience.
Awards are made in five categories.
Category 1: Rising Star Award
The award recognises a particularly significant teaching contribution and leadership potential in Teaching and Learning.
Joshi Jariwala
Liverpool Business School, Faculty of Business and Law
Subject: Human Resource Management

Appointed in June 2017, Joshi has been a major contributor to the teaching, learning practice & development at Faculty level using her own teaching experience and knowledge to run workshops and practice events for her peers. She has been a major advocate of the use and effectiveness around See My Tutor contributing to greatly increased use of this tool within the Faculty. Always willing to help support colleagues, Joshi took over programme leadership despite the challenges of running her own part time programme and teaching commitments. Joshi has been involved in international collaboration including with Staten Island College and COIL. Joshi has worked innovatively with professional practice modules with behavioural work continuing in the online environment. At Faculty level, Joshi has partnered with Dale Carnegie to bring leadership expertise and has been instrumental in disseminating work around enabling disabled artists in the Arts Sector.
Joanna Lavery
School of Nursing and Allied Health, Faculty of Health
Subject: Adult Nursing

Jo started at LJMU after a successful career in the NHS. Jo commenced as a senior lecturer in nursing just prior to the first national lockdown. Jo has proven to be an excellent team player who hit the ground running to deliver exceptional online education, as well as face to face teaching. Not only does Jo contribute to pre and post registration nursing but due to staff absence she took on a specialist District Nurse programme at very short notice. This has been very well evaluated and demonstrates the depth and breadth of Jo’s expertise. However, the main reason for Jo’s nomination is her work around equality and diversity. Jo has supported the programme manager to develop and enhance all aspects of equality and diversity within the nursing curriculum. This work has been developed into an academic paper that has been accepted for presentation at a major educational conference.
Kelly Massey
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Science
Subject: Physical Education

Kelly is a lecturer in Physical Education and is a member of the BA (Hons) Physical Education programme delivery team in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, which was nominated by the students for the JMSU Amazing Course Team award at the 2020 Amazing Teaching Awards. Kelly joined LJMU in 2018 having been a successful International 400m athlete for Great Britain and Northern Ireland and teacher of Physical Education and Dance at secondary school level. Since joining LJMU, Kelly has successfully attained her PG Certificate in Teaching and Learning. She is a much valued colleague and member of the School. Kelly embraces the LJMU Teaching and Learning agenda and has made a valued contribution to enhancing students’ learning experiences on the Physical Education programme, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. She has also co-designed and organised the LJMU Power of Sport conference.
Category 2: Individual Teaching Excellence Award
These individual awards recognise an outstanding, transformative or inspirational impact on the student learning experience.
Anne-Marie Adams
School of Psychology, Faculty of Health
Subject: Psychology

Anne-Marie is a long-standing senior lecturer in psychology and a professional and reflective practitioner who continually refines her already excellent work. She has managed a large level 4 module extremely well over a number of years and during the last year has really impressed with the way in which she truly embraced the principles of the Active Blended Learning framework when re-designing her module for online delivery, incorporating the use of peer learning groups. Anne-Marie contributes to scholarship of teaching and learning through her research and via two curriculum enhancement internships. She is a collegiate member of the programme team and wholly committed to applying LJMU’s Teaching, Learning and Assessment principles in her practice to enhance the student experience.
Heather Kirby
School of Nursing and Allied Health, Faculty of Health
Subject: Adult Nursing

Heather has made a consistently excellent contribution by developing and delivering valid, reliable and contemporary teaching on nursing modules. Students have rated her teaching and delivery as excellent. Heather was nominated for an Amazing Teacher Award in her first year. Heather has created ‘How To’ guides for new staff in a number of areas including, academic assessor, personal tutoring and cohort leadership. Heather supports new colleagues with developing modules and ensures content is geared toward active blended learning. Heather has been able to consistently apply University policies such as the No Detriment Framework during the COVID pandemic ensuring fairness and equity to all students. This commitment to inclusion is also demonstrated by her studies for a Professional Doctorate in Education, focussing on intercultural competence teaching within pre-registration nursing.
Rachel Mullen
School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Faculty of Science
Subject: Clinical Pharmacy

Rachel’s contribution to the development of the pharmacy curriculum has supported students’ transition from learner to practitioner. She embraces technology to enhance the student experience and provides activities and resources that simulate pharmacy practice. She has developed several innovative and authentic experiences designed to ’pull back the curtain’ on the workplace and allow students to develop key skills that enhance their employability in a range of sectors. In doing so, Rachel has developed and sustained links with Health Education England and local GP practices to facilitate pharmacy student practice placements in primary care settings.
Category 3: Excellence in Digital Education
These individual or team awards celebrate the use of technology to enhance teaching and student learning.
Gabor Barton
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Science
Subject: Clinical Biomechanics
Gabor has been instrumental in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences in enhancing student experience through the use of technology within Biomechanics over the last 27 years. A core aspect of this work has been the development of more than 20 bespoke computer programs that help students to learn how to use technology to analyse human movement and the underpinning principles of the discipline.
Most recently, as a response to the move to online learning in a highly practical subject area, Gabor developed the Virtual Gait Analysis (VGA) game. This is a retro-style adventure game where the student can explore and interact with the Biomechanics Lab remotely. The game provides students with an insight into how to capture 3D movement and forces, alongside an in-depth knowledge of the underlying theories. It also provides data for further processing and therefore completes the ‘practical’ side of a gait analysis.
Adam Carr, Rory Macbeth and Mark Wright
Liverpool School of Art and Design, Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
Subjects: Fine Art; History of Art; Museum Studies; Contemporary Art; Creative Technologies; Immersive Media
Creativity from adversity

The lockdown had the potential to severely affect the Fine Art creative process relying as it did on a studio-based community and peer learning/support, and consequently the Fine Art team faced an objective and emotional challenge to collective creative thinking.
In response, innovative and inspiring pathways were initiated for students and staff to respond to digital projects including elements of website design, content curation and virtual exhibition. The Fine Art team created exceptional learning experiences and career exposure for fine art students through the virtual degree show and a level 4 ‘Museum of the Year’ provocation.
These projects have also created digital learning legacy for the Fine Art programme and enabled new skills and fresh teaching approaches for staff.
"The award we got was for Fine Art staff and students who innovated in digital delivery of course content (Museum of the Year 2020) that allowed students a route by which they could innovate and interact with each other freely beyond staff organised zoom sessions (across year groups not just level 4). This enabled a vital part of studio culture to thrive when we had no access to studios. It also created 70 innovative online museums that talked meaningfully of the lockdown experience, including on aisle 30 of a 24hour ASDA, that was the only museum in Britain that could be physically visited. This project was designed and delivered by the Award winners, and created by level 4 fine art students, and is housed on the Fine Art website (opens in a new tab)."
Category 4: Individual Enhancing the Student Experience
These individual awards recognise an outstanding contribution to enhancing the student learning experience.
Carolyn Benny
Library Services, Academic Liaison Librarian for the Faculty of Health
Role: Academic Liaison Librarian for the Faculty of Health
Carolyn Benny has worked for LJMU since 1998. Within the Faculty of Health, she is the liaison for the academic areas of Psychology, Health and Social Care, Counselling, Social Work, Mental Health and Public Health. In her role as Librarian she provides direct help and support to students with their research needs. Her expertise in conducting literature searches for systematic reviews has been a particular source of praise from postgraduate students. Carolyn also makes an indirect contribution to the student experience by supporting academic staff in their endeavours. She ensures that modules and programmes have access to the right learning resources in sufficient quantity, and that teams are able to demonstrate this to external partners.
Current students attest to Carolyn’s helpfulness and dedication: “I could not have conducted a systematic review, an integral part of the PhD, without Carolyn's guidance and I would like for Carolyn to be recognised for her hard work, going above and beyond for students during this difficult time.”
Susanne Mason
School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Faculty of Science
Role: Pharmacy Technician
As a General Pharmaceutical Council registered pharmacy accredited checking technician, Susanne Mason brings her experience and skillset to the classroom to support academic staff in the delivery of a realistic, facilitative learning environment for pharmacy clinical teaching. Susanne’s professional and unfalteringly calm and friendly approach undoubtedly enhances the student experience in pharmacy practice classes, as evidenced by very positive student feedback. She takes the initiative to lead others in the technical services team to pass on some of her skills, so they in turn can support student learning. Susanne uses her professional experience to foster student development and confidence, which contributes to the enhancement of student learning and increases their future employability. Susanne is a true asset to the pharmacy team and is highly regarded by students and staff alike.
Current students have said "Each year she takes time to explain things to us how and why we lose marks… She is very approachable and nothing seems like too much of an effort or an issue for her."
Cathy Reilly
Liverpool School of Art and Design, Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
Role: Teaching Support Officer, Fashion

Cathy Reilly is an educator who inspires our students to be the best version of ‘self’ they can be. Her subject knowledge is outstanding, and because she is a powerful communicator, Cathy is able to share this knowledge with our students. She is that person who ‘really’ listens, and then takes action if she can. To our students, Cathy is a teacher, mentor and ally, her guidance helps them achieve whatever it is they see themselves becoming.
Current students have said "Throughout my time at LJMU no-one stands out more than Cathy. Cathy goes above and beyond for every student she comes into contact with" and "Without Cathy many designs would remain illustrations or badly made items. Total treasure in my opinion."
Category 5: Academic Leadership
These individual awards recognise an outstanding contribution to academic leadership.
Olatunde Durowoju
Liverpool Business School, Faculty of Business and Law
Subject: Operations and Quality Management

Dr Tunde Durowoju is the Programme Manager for four MSc programmes which are growing courses with increasing numbers of international students. Tunde has worked tirelessly to strengthen the programme offerings, including building closer links with industry organisations and employers, reviewing pedagogic provision for international students, and incorporating professional body accreditations (such as The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and the Institute of Consulting). Tunde is making a significant contribution to developing strong MSc programmes which aim to enhance student engagement, student satisfaction and graduate employability.
Tunde has also recently received the JMSU ‘Attack the Gap’ award for his work in reducing the black and minority ethnic attainment gap at LJMU.
Sarah MacLennan
Liverpool Screen School, Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
Subject: Creative Writing

Sarah Maclennan is a real asset to the LSS management team. She leads her own team with such enthusiasm, motivating them to do the best they can in all aspects of their work. She has worked tirelessly to improve the student experience, not only in her own team, but in leading initiatives across the School and the University. Sarah is generous with her time, mentoring peers and colleagues across the faculty and is always very willing to share good practice and pilot new initiatives.
Sarah is a good citizen across the University and leads by example. She has been a governor, sat on interview panels outside the faculty, is research active and actively engages with external organisations such as The Everyman, and Writing on the Wall.
Sarah carries out the challenging role of Programme Leader with a very positive manner. She is solution focused and motivates others to get things done. Through her leadership skills Sarah has facilitated a culture where success is recognised and celebrated.
Cliff Mayhew
School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Subject: Electrical and Electronic Engineering

This nomination is made to Clifford Mayhew in recognition of his hard work and dedication as an academic leader and to the students within his care. Cliff has worked tirelessly over many years to secure and nurture the relationship between the School, industry and international partners to enhance the standing of the course and to continue to raise its profile and relevance within industry and to the professional bodies, at home and abroad. Cliff demonstrates academic leadership of the highest calibre, at levels above and beyond the accepted expectations for the role. Cliff secured the School’s membership of the Power Academy, an organisation that gives students access to internships with organisations such as BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, Network Rail, UK Atomic Energy Authority and Scottish Power. The management of his programmes is exemplary and is clearly demonstrated and appreciated by his students, his fellow academic and technical colleagues, his industrial and professional contacts and by the young minds of those he is always seeking to enthuse.
Outside of LJMU, Cliff’s wider reputation and expertise has resulted in him working with Sir David Attenborough, and developing a system to measure the electric signals from electric eels.
Category 1: Rising Star Awards
Gemma Dale, Liverpool Business School, Faculty of Business & Law
Peter Horrocks, Liverpool School of Art & Design, Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
Category 2: Individual Teaching Excellence Awards
Sian Dunne, School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Craig Hammond, School of Education, Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
Gwenda Mynott, Liverpool Business School, Faculty of Business & Law
Olivia Saunders, School of Humanities & Social Science, Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
Linda Walsh, Liverpool Business School, Faculty of Business & Law
Catherine Wilkinson, School of Education, Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies
Category 3: Excellence in Digital Education
Accounting & Finance Team, Liverpool Business School, Faculty of Business & Law
Peter Falkingham, School of Biological & Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science
Jack Mullett, School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Mark Murphy, School of Nursing & Allied Health, Faculty of Health
Category 4: Individual Enhancing the Student Experience
Simon Montague, Liverpool Business School, Faculty of Business & Law
Category 5: Academic Leadership
Emma Ball, School of Sport & Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Science
Paul McEvoy Clarke, Liverpool Business School, Faculty of Business & Law
Steve Spittle, School of Humanities & Social Science, Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies