20 years of RISES

Celebrating 20 years of the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences

Established in 1997, the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences is the cutting-edge, vibrant home of research activity within the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences.

20 Years, 20 Stories

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of RISES, we asked some of the students who completed their PhDs with the Institute over the last 20 years to share their stories.

Read the PhD stories


A number of events to mark the 20 year anniversary took place throughout 2017.

Northern Vascular Biology Forum

6 December 2017 – Lower James Parsons Lecture Theatre

Located in the Byrom Street City Campus, the theatre was host to the fifth annual NVBF meeting. The aim of the NVBF is to develop collaborations between vascular biologists in the region and to provide a platform for the presentation of original research findings, scientific discussion and networking, bringing together research students, post-doctoral researchers and established investigators.

Sedentary Behaviour Seminar: Associate Professor Genevieve Healy and Professor David Dunstan

22 November 2017 – James Parsons Lower Lecture Theatre

The Sedentary Behaviour Seminar presented and discussed research by the Physical Activity Exchange and Cardiovascular Health Sciences Research Groups. The seminar culminated in a RISES seminar by world leaders: Associate Professor Genevieve Healy and Professor David Dunstan. Genevieve is based at the University of Queensland, with her current research examining population-level variations in prolonged sedentary time as well as the feasibility and acceptability of reducing this behaviour in key settings, such as the workplace. David is Head of the Physical Activity Laboratory at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute and his research focuses on the role of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the prevention and management of chronic diseases.

Physical Activity Exchange Seminar Series: Professor David Lubans

25 October 2017

The Physical Activity Exchange presented the second installment of the Physical Activity Exchange Seminar Series. Professor David Lubans, Theme Lead for school-based research in the University of Newcastle’s Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition, delivered a talk entitled “Unravelling the mechanisms responsible for the effects of physical activity on cognitive and mental health.” Professor Lubans is globally recognised for his work in the field, having designed, evaluated and disseminated school-based physical activity interventions (i.e., >30 interventions involving more than 10,000 children and adolescents) and published over 190 peer-reviewed journal articles, securing over $18 million in competitive research funding.

You'll Never Walk Alone: From Nijmegen to Liverpool (and back)

19 October 2017

This symposium preceded the professorial inaugural lecture from Prof Dick Thijssen. During this symposium, there was an extensive exchange of state-of-the-art research and novel findings between researchers from LJMU and the Radboud University Medical Center. For 10 years there has been a strong and fruitful collaboration between both institutions (~100 publications, including in high impact journals [J Am Coll Cardiol, Circulation, Hypertension, Physiol Reviews, JAMA Cardiol, Diabetes, Diabetes Care], exchange of staff-students, four dual PhD-studentships). During this symposium, this collaboration was further intensified through open discussions and sharing of ideas-plans. This involved the presence of Prof Hopman and Dr Eijsvogels, as well as several PhD students that presented their findings.

View the programme

Cardiovascular Summer School

27 - 29 June 2017

Students, researchers and academics within sport and exercise science gained knowledge and practical skills related to cardiac screening, microneurography, cardiovascular assessment and vascular ultrasound by taking part in the summer school.

Isokinetic Medical Group Conference

13 - 15 May 2017

The theme of this year’s conference, held at Camp Nou, Barcelona, was ‘The Future of Football Medicine’ which attracted over 3,000 delegates from 94 countries. The conference represents the world’s largest football medicine conference, with delegates comprising medical and performance practitioners from leading clubs and federations, key stakeholders (FIFA, UEFA) and leading researchers from a variety of fields.

Session organised by LJMU that was dedicated to RISES 20 years and in particular the contributions to football science research.

Since the 2015 conference in London, the Football Exchange has served as the academic partner for the ‘Science of Football Summit’, which takes place on the final day of the event. This year’s summit centered on managing player workload, working with the reality of team training and player recovery. Roy Hodgson also gave an interview, which focused on his coaching philosophy and interacting with the support team. The Football Exchange featured heavily in this year's programme with talks delivered by Mark Nesti (Psychological strategies for recovery and injury rehabilitation: applied reflections from the Premier League) and James Morton (Recovery strategies from training and match play: a nutritional perspective). Past (Dr Robin Thorpe, Manchester United FC, LJMU Visiting Research Fellow) and present Football Exchange students (Jordan Milsom, Liverpool FC, Prof. Doc student) also delivered talks. Preparation for next year’s conference (‘Football Medicine Outcomes – Are we Winning’) is currently underway which will once again see the event return to the Camp Nou with the Football Exchange as its academic partner. Updates on the event.

Natural Health Service Conference

9 May 2017

The Natural Health Service focuses on how we use the natural environment as a health asset. This conference invited attendees to hear about the results of the work to date, improving health and reducing demand on health services, the plans for the future and the developing links with the NHS. With support from Big Potential, the Natural Health Service is working with health commissioners to help address local health needs and help keep communities healthy. The conference featured excellent speakers providing a national and international context including LJMU's Dr Zoe Knowles, Prof Greg Whyte and Prof Keith George. The Physical Activity Exchange and RISES showcased their approach, challenges and achievements, and provided practical resources for commissioners and practitioners to develop the Natural Health Service in their locality.

BASES Psychology Division Members Event

26 April 2017

The Research Institute of Sport and Exercise Sciences hosted a British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences Psychology Division members event on Wednesday 26 April. Internationally-recognised speakers joined us at LJMU for discussions on Division activity, a keynote lecture, a choice of workshops and networking opportunities. The keynote brought together sector-leading academics and practitioners on the topic of promoting autonomous exercise in a secure mental setting. RISES Psychology and Development Group ran two afternoon workshops on delivering applied sport psychology in Premiership football informed by research and practice from over 20 years.

RANDOX Health Week and RISES 20 Years Celebrations Introductory Event

3 - 5 April 2017

In association with Randox, LJMU’s School of Sport and Exercise Sciences and the University of Liverpool have developed an educational series based around sport, health, exercise and performance. Ahead of the Grand National, the sessions delivered by a combination of world-leading industry and academic speakers concerned aspects of weight-making strategies of professional jockeys, equine health and fitness and bio-markers for health. Sporting legends in attendance included jockey Franny Norton, boxing champion Derry Mathews and Olympic sailor Matt McGovern.

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