SDG 4 - Quality education

Education liberates the intellect and unlocks the imagination. It is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities, making it possible for each of us to contribute to a progressive, healthy society. Learning benefits every human being and should be available to all.

LJMU is focused on both the quality of education provided through our curriculum, and our extensive external engagement initiatives. As part of our commitment to embedding sustainable development within our taught programmes, we are actively working to decolonise the curriculum. We’re also committed to supporting our local community, offering educational programmes delivering training for secondary school students in climate, chemistry and astronomy.


3,000 students

Over 3,000 students have participated in developing an appreciation for ecosystems, biodiversity, and the role humans play in climate change.

20,000 observations

Over 20,000 teachers and school students have requested around 200,000 'Liverpool Telescope' observations of the universe.

£30 million telescope

LJMU is building a £30 million telescope to feed data to The Schools’ Observatory.

Six schools

150 students from six Merseyside schools were welcomed to take part in the Absolute Chemistry project.

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